Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Kibaale 34 year old man in custody for allegedly defiling 5 year old girl


stop defilement



A 34 year old man in Kibaale District is under police custody for allegedly defiling a 5 year old girl.

Abdu Ndyanabo commonly known as Musiramu, a resident of Kakidamu-Nkodo village in Matale Sub County Kibaale district was arrested on Wednesday and is currently being held at Kitutu police, in Karama.

His arrest follows a report by the toddler’s parents Fideri Niwagaba and Peninah Tumusiime who reported to Kitutu police after noticing that their child was walking in an improper way that raised suspicion that she might have had a problem.

Peninah Tumusiime, the mother of the girl, says she reported the matter to Kitutu police post after the daughter confessed that she was feeling pain because Musiramu had sexually molested her thrice.

According to the toddler’s parents, Musiramu took advantage since they had left home late for garden work.

 Adeke Ester Tumusiime, the District police commander Kibaale has today confirmed the arrest of Musiramu adding that she will comment later after receiving a medical report from Kibaale Health Centre IV which was not yet out by press time.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Church, school among over 10 houses affected by hailstorm, residents cry for government relief aid


Banaana plantation affected by heavy rains in Nyakarongo(photo/Mugisa



Over 10 houses and gardens of food crops in Kisungu parish Nyakarongo sub-county in Kagadi District have been washed away by heavy downpour characterized by wind and hailstones leaving residents starving.

Yesterday KAGADI TV UG visited the place and the affected residents narrated how the rain that started at around 2pm and lasted for over two hours.

It mostly affected gardens are: beans, cassava, Matoke, Maize and houses, mostly in the villages of Bweema, Hakondo, Kisungu, Kyabairu among others in Kisungu parish Nyakarongo sub-county Kagadi district.

Hakondo C.O.U in Nyakarongo arch deaconry and God care nursery and primary school have also been left down.

Residents are appealing to the government to rush to their rescue with relief aid.

Bwambale Rafael and Augustine Hatangimana the village chairpersons for Kyabairu and Hakondo respectively say people have nothing to eat and others have no shelter.

According to the leaders this is the second disaster in a year.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Buyaga East NRM flag bearer meets Kagadi hospital Administration, discuss its elevation to Referral status




The NRM flag bearer for Buyaga east constituency Stephen Twesige Rulekere has held a closed-door meeting with Kagadi district general hospital administration basically on how to elevate the hospital from general to a referral status.

The meeting took place last evening at the Kagadi General Hospital Administration block in Kagadi town.

While giving his submission during the meeting, the Kagadi district Health Officer Dr Oluwo James said Kagadi hospital is lacking a lot of equipments like ambulances, human resource to the hospital staff, vehicles support from government among others which he attributes to lack of good political leadership.

Simon Katusabe peter the hospital administrator Kagadi general hospital thanked Twesige for the visit and asked him to always come where there is need for guidance while handling the hospital concerns.

Dr Isaac Kakibogo the Kagadi Hospital medical superintendent who attended the meeting as well thanked Stephen Twesige for being a leader of his kind in the district by attending first to issues concerning the residents of Kagadi like managing medical concerns.

In his response to the raised concerns, Stephen Twesige promised to intervene immediately and fix all the omitted equipment’s from government by securing an appointment with Dr Dian Atwine the permanent secretary for the ministry of health to have all concerns addressed.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Albertine RPC visits Buyaga East NRM flag bearer Steven Rurekere Amooti to investigate alleged police brutality





The Albertine region police command led by the  Regional Police Commander Ass commissioner of police Deo Obura have yesterday visited the residence of the Buyaga East NRM flag bearer Hon. Twesige Steven Rurekere Amooti following the fracas between the hopeful MP, his supporters and Kagadi police in Kagadi town on thursday.

The Buyaga East NRM flag bearer Hon. Steven Rurekere was on thursday rushed to Dr. Kagwa’s clinic after Kagadi Police commanded by DPC Steven Kamar sprayed him paper as it blocked his victory procession in Nankurabye cell in Kagadi town.

Hon Steven Twesige has applauded the regional police command for their intervention and asked his supporters to be calm and keep peace.

Hon Steven has also put everything on light and handed over tear gas canisters, hand cuffs and other police equipment to the Albertine regional police commander ACP Deo Obura  that Kagadi police had allegedly given to his opponents to terrorize his supporters.

Addressing the media shortly after having a meeting with Hon Steven Twesige, at his home in Kamata village in Pacwa sub county, the Albertne region police spokesperson Julius Allan Hakiza said they are in greater Kibaale investigating allegations under which police have been taking bribes from some candidates to be on their side, cases of harassing voters, voter bribery and other irregularities.

Hakiza said that investigations are ongoing and officers who will be found guilty of the offences will face police professional standards unit and penalized.

KAGADI TV UG has learnt that the Criminal Investigations team from Kampala led by Breg. Gen Darmulila is also expected in Kagadi district for further investigations on the matter.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Teargas locks Rulekere procession, rushed to clinic


Stephen Twesige convoy(photo/Mugisa)


The Buyaga East NRM flag bearer Hon. Steven Rulekere was yesterday rushed to Dr. Kagwa’s clinic after Kagadi Police sprayed him paper as it blocked his victory procession.

Rulekere started the procession from Buronzi at the border of Kibaale and Kagadi district through Isunga and was joined by hundreds of supporters when reached Kagadi town.

However, after successfully moving on the streets of Kagadi town, met resistance with Kagadi Police commanded by DPC Steven Karmal.

Police intercepted him as he reached Nankulabye cell on Kagadi-Hoima on the way to his home in Pacwa sub-county and sprayed him paper directly in the eyes. Police also shot bullets in the air to disperse supporters.

Rulekere was given first aid and later proceeded to home.

Speaking to our reporter after receiving treatment, he vowed to deal with police for violating the laws of Uganda.

Meanwhile journalists who were covering the event were also sprayed paper in the eyes and their gargets were destroyed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Stephen Twesige Rulekere wins Buyaga East NRM flag




The NRM electoral commission has finally declared results for the respective candidates who participated in the just concluded MP primaries for Buyanga East Constituency.

Stephen Twesige Rulekere has won the election with the highest percentage when compared to the incumbent  Eric Musana Acaali according to the result released yesterday.

Rulekere won with 28,686 votes representing 42% of the votes cast against the incumbent Musana who got 27,162 votes representing 40% with a difference of 1524 votes.

The chairperson NRM electoral commission Dr. Tanga Odoi says the winner of the election in question has been declared after a thorough tallying of the votes.

He said Stephen Twesige is the NRM flag bearer for Buyaga East to contest for MP seat in the forthcoming general elections.

Other candidates who participated in the race includes Peter Amara who got 10,966 (15%), Kakooza Patrck, Tukamushaba Kerian, Robert Birungi, Bright Alinaitwe and Dr. Diini Emmnuel Kisembo.

Speaking to KAGADI TV reporter, StephenTwesige Rulekere Amooti has thanked voters for entrusting him with mandate and promised to represent Buyaga east  with equal service delivery and sticking on NRM manfesto.

Meanwhile the NRM electoral commission also declared results for Ntoroko County where Martin Bahiduka has emerged the winner with 12,137 votes.

Dramatic turnaround as minster Rukutana is declared winner of Rushenyi County NRM primaries







State Minister for Labour Mwesigwa Rukutana has in dramatic circumstances been declared the winner of the Rushenyi County NRM flag for the parliamentary seat in 2021 elections.

Dr Tanga Odoi, the NRM electoral commission chairman, announced yesterday,that on September 15, 2020, that at the time Mr Rukutana’s rival, Ms Naome Kabasharira, was declared the winner, results of 12 polling areas had not been included.

On September 5, Ms Kabasharira was declared winner with 24,006 votes while Mr. Rukutana garnered 23,966 votes leaving a difference of only 40 votes.

While Mr Rukutana had rejected the out-come of the election, the aftermath was overshadowed by an incident where he was caught on video, appearing to draw a gun against two campaign agents of his opponent. The minister was eventually arrested, charged with attempted murder and remanded.

However, upon his release on bail today, 15 September 2020, Dr Tanga announced that he had won the election, giving him double joy and to the chagrin of former Ntungamo Woman MP Kabasharira.

He said results of Rubaare Sub County, which is considered Rukutana’s stronghold, had not been tallied and when they returned, they indicated that the minister was the winner.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

MP Barnabas Tinkasiimire, Jenifer Mbabazi, Lawrence Akugizibwe declared winners




The Buyaga West incumbent MP in Kagadi district Hon. Barnabas Tinkasiimire has been elected the ruling National Resistance Movement flag bearer.

 The Kagadi NRM Registrar Miikisa Chrysostom Salongo cleared Hon. Barnabas Tinkasiimire the winner at 1:50am with 27899 votes totaling to 56.4%. 

Dr. Tumwebaze John came second with 15652 followed by Byamugisha John 2372, Tumwebaze Richard 1980 and Alinaitwe Ishamail Levi came last with 1602. 

On Kagadi district woman MP seat, Kyomuhendo Jenifer Mbabazi won the election with 60092 votes equaling to 71% beating Nazibwa Margret who got 25942 and lastly Proscovia Bamutura with 2151.

Meanwhile, flag bearer for Buyaga East County in Kagadi district remains on pending.

This follows contestation of Hon. Musan Erick Acaali who challenged fairness of the results from Pacwa Central LC1 in Pacwa sub-county.

It is said on Pacwa Central LC1 polling station Steven Twesige Rulekere pulled 1070votes whereas Musan Erick Acaali got 08 votes.

Provisionary Hon. Musana Acaali was leading with 41.2% against Hon. Twesige Rurekere having 37%.

According to the tally, when these votes are counted on Twesige makes him win the election and when it is not accounted Musan takes the win.

This forced NRM officials to put on halt the declaration of the vote and decided to conduct today fresh election for only Pacwa Central LC1 polling station. 

 However Twesige rejection the decision as Musana demanded a copy of the so far tallied the lection but all ended into chaos.

In Mwenge North Kyenjojo district MP Hon. Lawlence Akugizibwe was declared the NRM flag bearer with 33435 defecting former MP Hon. David Muhumuza who trailed with only 23276 votes whereas Musinguzi Leo got only1740votes.

On woman MP seat, Faith Fellow Kunihira took the flag beating incumbent Speranza Baguma Muhenda.

Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija has been declared winner of the ruling National Resistance Movement-Party primaries for Buyanja County in Kibaale district.
According to the NRM district Registrar Ritah Kisarale Minister Kasaija has defeated Paul Kyalimpa and Andrew Tibamwenda.

Kasaija has got 16, 539 votes representing 70.11% against Kyalimpa's 6, 213 Votes representing 26.34% whereas Tibamwenda polled 838 votes which is 3.6%.
For the Kibaale district woman MP seat incumbent Noeline Basemera Kisembo celebrates with a landslide victory after garnering 32, 913 votes representing 88.4%, defeating her contender Resty Birungi who had 4, 284 votes which is 11.6% whereas Jovita Katusiime never got any vote.
For the newly created Buyanja East County Dr Emely Kugonza was declared the NRM flag bearer after he went unopposed.