Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Stephen Twesige Rulekere wins Buyaga East NRM flag




The NRM electoral commission has finally declared results for the respective candidates who participated in the just concluded MP primaries for Buyanga East Constituency.

Stephen Twesige Rulekere has won the election with the highest percentage when compared to the incumbent  Eric Musana Acaali according to the result released yesterday.

Rulekere won with 28,686 votes representing 42% of the votes cast against the incumbent Musana who got 27,162 votes representing 40% with a difference of 1524 votes.

The chairperson NRM electoral commission Dr. Tanga Odoi says the winner of the election in question has been declared after a thorough tallying of the votes.

He said Stephen Twesige is the NRM flag bearer for Buyaga East to contest for MP seat in the forthcoming general elections.

Other candidates who participated in the race includes Peter Amara who got 10,966 (15%), Kakooza Patrck, Tukamushaba Kerian, Robert Birungi, Bright Alinaitwe and Dr. Diini Emmnuel Kisembo.

Speaking to KAGADI TV reporter, StephenTwesige Rulekere Amooti has thanked voters for entrusting him with mandate and promised to represent Buyaga east  with equal service delivery and sticking on NRM manfesto.

Meanwhile the NRM electoral commission also declared results for Ntoroko County where Martin Bahiduka has emerged the winner with 12,137 votes.

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