Sunday, May 2, 2021

ARU graduates tipped on job creation-Justice Ezekeil Muhanguzi


ARU 6th graduation on 30th of April 2021 at the main campus Kagadi,PHOTO/Mugisa




The chancellor African Rural University Hon.Justice Ezekeil Muhanguzi has appealed to the graduates to use the available opportunities of job creation instead of looking for jobs.

Muhanguzi was speaking to the congregation during the conferment of degrees of rural development to eleven candidates who have fully finished up their studies at ARU.

''I have been assured that you have acquired the requisite skills to enable you forge ahead and chart a path towards a successful destiny''say Muhanguzi.

He has further appealed to the government extend  grant support African Rural University especially for research and community out reach.

The vice chancellor ARU Dr.Mwalimu Musheshe has outed to the graduates that the have all the necessary tools to be change agents and change makers.

''As you go out from graduation,you will be going out into the world,which desperately needs you, which you can help to remake,reshape,skills ability,commitment  of a visionary leader"say Musheshe.

The chief Guest Dr.Aliba Kiiza board members of Uganda microfinance center has asked the graduates to aim higher and be women of substance since they have attained enough from the university.

The graduates of whom include Anyinge Christine Ojok was the overall best candidate with the first class and a CGPA of 4.6 and Namarah Sarah.

They have appreciated ARU and their parents for the support towards their climax

List of graduates:

Anyinge Christine ojok

Atugonza Phiona

Atugonza sylivia

Atuhaire juliet

Ayinkamiye Lillian

Karungi Oliver

Katushabe Gorret

Muhimbise Sarah

Namara Sarah

Namukisa Rosemary

Nansimbi Mary Gorret

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