Saturday, May 1, 2021

North Korea accuses Joe Biden of pursuing hostile policy over its nuclear programme




North Korea


The foreign ministry said recent comments out of Washington showed President Joe Biden was intent on maintaining a "hostile policy".

Earlier this week, Mr Biden called North Korea's nuclear programme a "serious threat" to global security.

The White House says he plans to take a "calibrated" approach to North Korea.

Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Friday that a review of US policy had been completed and suggested Mr Biden had learned from the experience of the previous four administrations who have tried, and failed, to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.

"Our policy will not focus on achieving a grand bargain, nor will it rely on strategic patience," she said, saying that instead the US would pursue a "calibrated practical approach that is open to and will explore diplomacy" with North Korea while making "practical progress" on increasing security for the US and its allies.

The US is expected to host Japan and South Korea's national security advisers for a discussion about the review soon.

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