Monday, August 3, 2020

Kagadi Drivers and Operators endorse Kasaija to stand again for Buyanja mp seat in the forthcoming election



The tarmacking of the 104km Mubende-Kakumiro-Kakumiro-Kibaale-Kagadi road that is nearing completion has been hailed by drivers and operators of Kagadi saying it indicates a steady stream of changes upping the development across greater Kibaale, Bunyoro and Uganda steered by Minister Matia Kasaija.
Under their umbrella “Kagadi Drivers and Operators Association”,KADOS they trekked from Kagadi and paid a courtesy to Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija at his home in Karuguuza town, Kibaale district to thank him for his lobbying.

The jolly drivers and operators gifted Kasaija who is also MP Buyanja Constituency, a big He-goat, bunches of Banana as a gesture to appreciate him for lobbying the high standard tarmac across the grater Kibaale districts, other roads in Bunyoro, water, electricity among other projects.

Led by Matia Musoke Abyola, drivers said they no longer encounter high expenses in mechanical problems and that the traveling hours to Kampala are very little compared to past years which is a vote of confidence for Kasaija to keep in leadership.

 Drivers and operators used the opportunity to ask for help from Minister Kasaija to lobby for the construction of Kagadi Taxi Park yard to standard and also help them get funding into their SACCO.


Some of the drivers proposed that Matia Kasaija who is seeking re-election for Buyanja MP Seat in the forthcoming elections, be declared unopposed come 2021 because he has served selflessly for better service delivery across all sectors.


Addressing them, Minister Matia Kasaija who welcomed the gifts says that however much government is putting in place such infrastructures, the drivers should have in mind that they hold lives of many people hence need for careful driving.


Kasaija donated shs2 million to Kagadi tax drivers Sacco and assured that Kagadi Taxi park yard will be constructed to standard.


At the scientific function, Dr Emely Kugonza who is hopeful for the newly created Buyanja East constituency thanked the drivers for being organized which will guarantee their transformation and also donated shs1million to their Sacco.


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