Monday, August 3, 2020

Muhorro councilor Medard Ahumuza wins case against Kagadi district LG, awarded 100m


Masindi high court has this afternoon on Monday 3rd 2020 delivered the judgment of the case between Hon Medard Ahumuza the Muhorro District sub-county councilor against Hon Peter Ziraba and Kagadi district Local Government.

According to the judgment delivered by the high court judge Justice Masalu Musene Wilson, Kagadi district council illegally censored Hon Ahumuza from the District executive committee office in charge Security and community based services.

The Judge further ordered that Hon Ahumuza returns to his office with immediate effect.

In March 2018 Kyenzige district councilor Hon Ziraba presented a motion before Kagadi district council to sensor Hon Ahumuza over indiscipline among others and it was adopted by 21 councilors who also passed the motion.

However this did not go well with Hon Ahumuza who later challenged the motion and filed a case before Masindi High court.

In today's judgment Justice Musene has declared the Motion null and void, awarded Hon Muhumuza 100 million for damages to be paid by second respondent Kagadi district Local Government

Kagadi district Local Government has also been ordered to pay Hon Ahumuza all the costs incurred during the case.


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