Monday, July 27, 2020

Kagadi District LG Distributes Over 30,000 Young Telapia Fish Species To 45 Fish Farmers


By: Admin
Kagadi district local government under its department of Fisheries, Animal husbandry and crop production has handed over 30,000 young Tilapia fish species to about 45 fish farmers within the district in abide to boast their house hold incomes and food nutrition standards. 
The exercise presided over by Ms. Josephine Natukunda the Kagadi district Fisheries officer yesterday held at the district headquarters in Kagadi town council. 
According to Ms. Josephine, 30,000 free Tilapia fish species have been distributed to 45 fish farmers as each moved away with 500 fish species. 
Ms. Josephine has revealed that a systematic procedure and factors were followed to have the 45 beneficiaries brought on board out of the 90 persons who had initially applied.
 She is appealing the beneficiaries to carefully look after these fish species so as to meet the intended goals inform of house hold income boasting through commercial production and as a source of food security that supplements body proteins. 
Meanwhile in an interview with Kagadi Tv , beneficiaries thanked the government for supporting them with such a project with optimism that it will enable them have balanced diet in their families and eventually boasting their house hold incomes. 
They have also urged fellow community members to desist from environment degradation by using pods and swamps to rare fish rather than destructing them through ridiculous economic activities like sand mining

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I dont mind about the scorecard but rather services to my people says Mp Buyaga East Musana Eric Acaali


By: Admin


Scorecard that has been circulating in media should not be based on but rather ask people on ground about services- Buyaga east Mp Musana Eric Acaali.

Musana reacted on the scorecard while in a press briefing to the media at his secretariat in Mambugu T/c in Kagadi town council kagadi district.

It is remembered that last week, 2020 overall scores of members of parliament in the 3rd session of the 10th Parliament was released in the print daily publication highlighting the best performers, examining their attendance and participation in plenary and committee sessions and Eric Musana Acaali came in the third position trailing with 25.5% among the Mps in Bunyoro region.

Musana narrates that it’s not enough to consider the mp attendance and participation in plenary and committee sessions but also lobbying services to the community on the grass root for development not on camera always.

Musana is in his first term in parliament and is seeking for the second term from the people of Buyaga east.

Currently, power extension is high gears in the constituency towards 2021 elections.

Meanwhile, Residents have expressed their cheerfulness after bearing in mind BTSWA electric automation construction limited that contracted to extend power in the sub counties of Buyaga east kicked off the work and promised to finish up in time so as people can access electricity.

Sub counties that are going to benefit first are: Kabamba, Kiryanga, Mabaale followed by other sub counties.

One of the team leaders of BUTSWA electric automation construction limited Justus Kamara asked residents of Buyaga east to cooperate with them for the smooth running of exercise.

BTSWA electric automation construction limited was contracted under Rural Electrification Agency to extend power in sub counties of Buyaga East constituency.

It is said that in Kagadi district, Buyaga west constituency led by Hon .Barnabas Tinkasiimire services are done at a high speed when compared to Buyaga east.

Hon Janepher K Mbabazi the woman mp kagadi district in her quotes, the government of Uganda is eying much and easing services to districts, constituencies that are near waters than any other part in the country.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Supporters of MP Musana Eric Acaali in Kenga defects to Stephen’s camp

Hon.Musana Eric Acaali Mp Buyaga East(Photo/file)

By:Our Reporter


Over 60 supporters including former agents of Hon Musana Eric Acaali from kenga sub county in kagadi district have defected to Hon Stephen Twesige Rurekere’s camp accusing the incumbent for poor service delivery in their area.

The development comes a day after Hon Musana Eric Acaali was ranked 3rd with 25.5% out of three mps of Kagadi District in the report released by one of the print daily publication highlighting the performance and scores of the members of parliament in the 3rd session of the 10th parliament.

A group of voters and agents of former mp Eric Musana from the villages of Kanyangoma, Ssese, Muhangi and Nsugasugi all of Kenga Sub county led by Mr.Nkwasibwe kharid accuse their area mp for failing to extend electricity to their sub county, promising their children bursaries but all in vain and failing to support the development projects in their area.

They further accuse Mr. Adrian Tumwesigye the political assistant to Hon Eric Musana Acaali for conniving with Tropical leaf tobacco company ltd that corned tobacco farmers in Kagadi district.

Mr. Richard Byamukama from Hon stephen Twesige’s camp dubbed ‘’Tunga Ekihikire’’ meaning get the Right  has welcomed supporters assuring them that they have made the right decision towards achieving good leadership in their area.

Meanwhile, Musana has picked his nomination forms  from Nrm offices in Kyadondo to retain  his seat in the coming elections.

Musana says that he is seeking for another mandate to be able to complete his running projects especially in health, education and roads infrastructure among others.

He is  advising voters of Buyaga east to be able to understand leaders who have the capacity to deliver.

 Musana is also cautioning the electorates to be care full of leaders who are self seekers but vote for him to be able to complete on what he has already started and even do more to benefit the people of Buyaga east and Kadadi district at large.

Kagadi Woman MP Janepher Mbabazi declares interest to run for the second term, Picks NRM nomination forms




Kagadi district Woman Member of Parliament Hon.Janepher Kyomuhendo Mbabazi has officially declared her interest to once again stand for the position ahead of the forth coming electro polls.

Hon. Janepher aka Maama Kagadi made the pronouncement this afternoon during a press briefing flanked by her beloved husband Eng Dr. Anania Mbabazi at their home in Rubona village Rutete sub-county Kagadi district.

She said is ready to defend her position and thus she has already picked Nomination forms from the NRM headquarters in Kyadondo -Kampala.

Janepher said that despite of what she has so far managed to implement during her first term in office allot is still desired to put Kagadi district to the required standard with optimism to be put into perspective once voters empower her into office for second term.

Hon.Janepher has amongst others promised to put much emphasis on poverty eradication, electricity distribution and intensification, uplifting of health and education standards, road infrastructure development and ensuring cooperation among district local leaders as a way to easing service delivery to electorates.

Also addressing Journalists Dr.Eng.Anania Mbabazi the husband also promised to guaranteed support and corporation to his wife to work for the people of Kagadi district.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Former Tanzanian leader Mkapa passes away

Former Tanzania president Benjamin Mkapa(late) photo/file

By: Admin


Tanzania's former President Benjamin Mkapa has died aged 81, President John Magufuli has announced.

Magufuli in the early hours of today revealed that Mkapa passed away at the Dar es Salaam Hospital.

Mzee Benjamin William Mkapa the third President of Tanzania has died at a Dar es Salaam hospital where he was admitted.

He was born on November 12, 1938, Mkapa became the third president of Tanzania from 1995 to 2005 after succeeding Ali Hassan Mwinyi. He handed over to Jakaya Kikwete.

He also served as the chairman of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the dominant ruling party in Tanzania and the second longest-ruling party in Africa.


Uganda confirms first Covid-19 death as cases rise to 1,079

By: Admin

Health News

Uganda’s Ministry of Health on Thursday reported the country’s first Covid-19 death as confirmed cases rose to 1,079.

The deceased was a 34-year-old Ugandan support staff working in Namisindwa District, according to Dr Henry Mwebesa, the director general health services.
She first presented with Covid-like signs and symptoms including fever, dry cough, headache and difficulty in breathing.
She was initially admitted to Wasungui HC II on Wednesday (July 15, 2020) and treated for severe pneumonia.

However, on Monday (July 20, 2020), she was transferred to Joy Hospice health facility, in Mbale District, where she was isolated in the female ward.

While in isolation, the patient’s condition deteriorated with difficulty in breathing, cough, chills and headache. She passed on Tuesday (July 21, 2020) at 2:00am and was buried last evening (July 23, 2020) as per Safe Dignified Burial procedures.