Thursday, July 23, 2020

Former Tanzanian leader Mkapa passes away

Former Tanzania president Benjamin Mkapa(late) photo/file

By: Admin


Tanzania's former President Benjamin Mkapa has died aged 81, President John Magufuli has announced.

Magufuli in the early hours of today revealed that Mkapa passed away at the Dar es Salaam Hospital.

Mzee Benjamin William Mkapa the third President of Tanzania has died at a Dar es Salaam hospital where he was admitted.

He was born on November 12, 1938, Mkapa became the third president of Tanzania from 1995 to 2005 after succeeding Ali Hassan Mwinyi. He handed over to Jakaya Kikwete.

He also served as the chairman of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the dominant ruling party in Tanzania and the second longest-ruling party in Africa.


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