Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Museveni opens arcades, Salons and Boda bodas


President Museveni/photo/file

By: Admin


President Museveni has announced that “some arcades” will be allowed to reopen provided they have fulfilled the standard operating procedures.

The President says in kampala there is a total of 230 arcades. Of these, 171 were inspected, out of which only 110 were found to be compliant with required guidelines.

These are the ones that will be allowed to re-open but others must fulfill the requirements says Museveni.

The key requirements are: requirements are, Temperature guns, social distancing, Handwashing, No traders or other people in the corridors, No traders on the verandahs and on the steps of the roadside.

The President has also announced that they must keep records of everybody who buy from there.

In case the seller falls sick, the president said it will be easier to follow up on the people who shopped from their business unit.  He added that the sellers and shoppers in the arcade must keep social distance and that “No air-conditioning”.

He added that everybody must wear face masks and that there should be enough toilets. If an arcade does not have enough toilets, it will be closed permanently.

President Yoweri Museveni is delivering his 19th address on the coronavirus pandemic in Uganda and related issues.

Boda Bodas/photo/file

He has also allowed the Saloons and Boda Boda’s to ferry passengers but with strict measures of recording them for covid-19 records purposes and should end up by 6pm and maintain curfew time.

The President has congratulated Ugandans – and especially the health workers on the frontline – for battling this science-led war against the coronavirus.

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