Monday, July 13, 2020

Kikube Residents Decry increased Murder Cases,ask for police post

Julius Hakiza the PRO Albertine region/photo/file



A section of Nsozi residents in Kyangwali sub-county, Kikuube district have decried the increasing murder cases calling on government to establish a police Post and rectify the menace of thugs who have terrorized the area.

The resident’s complaints follows the murder of five people in the area recently namely Celestino Katusabe, Andrew Bembereza, Chris Baguma, Mary Tuhaise and Julius Tibenda with the latest 48- year-Old man in Nsozi LCI – Nsozi Parish - Kyangwali sub-county Kikuube district who was discovered murdered by unknown assailants and his body dumped in Bugoma central forest reserve that borders Kagadi District and  Kikuube district.

The Body of Andrew Bembereza 48 was discovered dumped in Bugoma forest in Wairagaza-Kabwoya sub-county by residents last Saturday with bruises and deep injuries on the neck and other body parts.

Residents say 5 people have so far been killed of the recent past under unclear circumstances and blames police for not bothering about continuous death of people in the area.

They further allege that the deceased was killed under unclear circumstances and body dumped in Bugoma central forest reserve.

They complain that suspects arrested over murder are always released under unclear circumstance and that those who had continuously depleted the environment through charcoal burning and timber cutting in the forest are condoned by the concerned authorities.

Augustine Kasangaki and Joseph Alituha  Chairpersons LCI for Nsozi and  Kyamugasa  Villages respectively where murder cases are more pronounced says the Late Bembereza becomes the fifth person to be killed in the area expressing worry that if government does not establish a police post to reinforce security, residents in the area will remain insecure.

They want police to ensure the arrested four people are taken to court for serious punitive actions as a deterrent condition.

Julius Hakiza, the Albertine police spokes person said erecting a police post at Nsozi is demand driven and a process that requires consultations with higher authorities.

On releasing suspects, Hakiza said it is a constitutional right for a suspect to be released on police bond as investigations into the matter continues and that it does not mean one has been set free.


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