Friday, July 17, 2020

We don’t want land conflicts and tribalism in kagadi politics-Katusabe Peter political analyst




As 2021 elections draws in the vicinity of, Katusabe peter Junior the political senior analyst has sounded admonition to politicians who use land titles and tribalism in kagadi politics to stop the habit.

Junior was speaking to our writer on a one on one interview on Friday evening at kagadi rock country following the launch of NRM Electro road map.

He is absolutely irritated on how politicians use diverse tactics to win elections, like the use of illegal land titles and tribal issues that have taken time in Bunyoro region without any liability to voters.

 “What we need is only development in Kagadi District lather than tribal clashes and hoodwinking voters” Katusabe Peter Junior said.

He said that service deliverance is a necessity to the people of kagadi since they vote 100% NRM.

When asked on the Issue of Bafuruki and Bukitarepa saga, he answered that “currently in bunyoro, since 2000 the issue of land had never been solved even when Baguma Isoke was the chairperson Uganda land board.

 Junior blamed Baguma Isoke for not helping Banyoro to acquire land titles and the the absentee land lords still possesses  the land titles of  Buyaga and Bugangazi as agreed in the 1900 agreement between the colonialists and Baganda.

On the issue of Bunyoro –Buyaga political question, government should come out and Gazette compensation to the affected people (Banyoro) so as politician concentrate on developmental issues like electricity, water, good infrastructure, and good governance that will upgrade their area, he added.

It took long for kagadi district to become operational due to  the confusion on how the president  was receiving different statements towards the centre of balancing the indigenous people and non indigenous.

Junior has described kagadi district as a model food secure, peace people when compared to other districts like Kasese, hard working to mention but a few.