Thursday, July 2, 2020

Faith of unity community celebrate children’s days scientifically amidst Covid-19

Owobusobozi receiving  gifts from believers at children's day. file photo

The believers of faith unity have celebrated the flowers day also known as Children’s day scientifically following the preventive measures to curb the spread of corona virus.
Every 2nd of July annually, the believers celebrate the children’s day, the day when the founder of faith of unity Owobusosbozi Bisaka healed a woman who had spent two years pregnant in 1986 and later delivered safely.
In his speech through Omukwenda Tibahwerwayo, Owobusobozi Bisaka from his book of oneness reminded believers always to respect God because is the one in charge of everything on earth and everywhere.
Meanwhile Omuhereza Kwikiriza now aged 38 years, narrated how she was told by parents about her birth story after her mother was allegedly bewitched during pregnancy.
According to her, she was born on prayers of Owobusobozi Bisaka who prayed for her safe delivery.
The chairperson LCV Kagadi Hon. Steven Byaruhanga Mfashingabo who attended the scientific cerebrations at Bisaka’s Palace   Kampyemi headquarters yesterday on 2nd July 2020, appealed to parents to always look after their children safely in this error of Covid-19.
He appreciated the work done by Owobusobozi Bisaka in spreading the gospel of unity in the community.